Curious About Pies

I'm an amateur cook who'd like to get really good at making pies. I've opted for the immersion method: between August 2011 and August 2012, I'm making at least one pie per week. On this blog, I'll share my pie progress.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Carolyn's Top-Secret Magic Pie Crust Technique: Part 3

Today: The thrilling conclusion of this weekend's pie trilogy!
If you haven't already, you'll want to peruse Part 1, which outlines dough-making, then Part 2, which shows rolling out and shaping. Today we see pictures of the results, after Carolyn put the crust to work in the form of a savory Red and Yellow Pepper Tart.

Looks pretty delicious, hmm?

This recipe comes from The Greens Cook Book. I'm not including it here because I didn't make it (and the point of the last couple days' posts has really been about pie crust, not filling),  but it involves a thin layer of pesto, red peppers slowly simmered to a lovely softness, kalamata or nicoise olives, and an eggy custard topped with parmesan. Pure wonderfulness.

Here's what it looked like midway through being filled:

The peppers were so soft as to be almost imaginary.

And, after adding custard and cheese:

Finally, here's what it looked like just out of the oven:

You may recall that yesterday's pie dough also generated some little cookies. These were delicious, and looked like this on the plate:

Up close you can see the flakiness of the pie crust, as well as the cinnamon filling:

That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed this; I have. I'll be back to my normal Ero-made pie routine in a couple days, so check back. And a big thank you to Carolyn for showing her techniques (and, for letting me eat some of the results!).

1 comment:

  1. This looks like pure deliciousness! I am suffering from serious pie-envy.
